Our team


Anna Kubicka - Yao


A graduate of ethnolinguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Chinese culture and language studies at Zhejiang University. Lived in China for 13 years, currently traveling between the two countries on a regular basis. Responsible for direct contact with the buying customer (on Polish, Estonian and German markets), and management of the team in Poland and a sales department in China.

姚鹏 / Yao Hongpen


A graduate of Wuhan University and an MBA studies from Zhejiang University.  In charge of the accounting and finance department, establishing relationships and contracting purchases with Chinese suppliers.

Office in Poland

Employs customer contact, logistics and after-sales service specialists on the Polish side to assist in all stages of the order processing, and deal with shipping, status, and complaints issues.

Agnieszka Sęk

Operational Support and Logistics Manager

Wiktoria Cichoń

International Relations and Corporate Image Specialist

Angelika Wacht

International Relations and Sales Support

Katarzyna Cisek

Office Assistant

Office in China

We have two offices in China – extensive sales, accounting, and finance department as well as logistics

and shipping department. Furthermore, we have our own consolidation warehouse.

Christy Lin / 林泉

General Manager

Lily Yao / 姚丽姗

Finance Manager

Ara Huang / 黄彬彬

Customs Declarer

Lixia Yao / 姚丽霞


Dori Wang / 王瑞环

Office Assistant

Lemon Li / 李嘉欣


Ruby Yin

Shipping department

Ysanne Bao

Senior financial manager